Policy for Mass Intentions for All Masses in Blessed Trinity Catholic Parish Diocese of Orlando and served by the Missionaries of La Salette
Mass Intentions will begin to be accepted on November 7, 2024, at the Parish Office for the calendar year 2025. Please submit all Mass intentions in person. We do not accept Mass intentions requests by phone or email. Thank you.
Each family/household/parishioner has a limit of 10 (ten) “scheduled” Mass intentions per calendar year.
Blessed Trinity Parish Organizations have a limit of 6 (six) “scheduled” Mass intentions per calendar year.
For the weekend Masses (Saturday Vigil to Sunday Evening) only a total up to 3 (three) Mass intentions for a particular Saturday or Sunday liturgy will be accepted for the calendar year.
Mass intentions are accepted for the Living or Departed or Special Intentions.
The customary offering in the Diocese of Orlando is $10.00 per Mass Intention (Per verification of the Diocese of Orlando Chancery Office).
Masses celebrated on Holy Days of Obligation and Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, etc.). will be thoughtfully rotated on the schedule per parishioners and Organizations.
Please designate requested dates. If dates are unavailable, alternate dates may be requested. The final choice will be the Office.
Definitions: Both scheduled and unscheduled Mass Intentions
Scheduled Mass Intentions – These intentions are listed in the weekly bulletin at a particular Mass and receive an announced intercession with the announced name(s) or purpose (example – “peace in Ukraine,” “Protection from Hurricanes., “Poor Souls of Purgatory,” “BT Youth,” etc.). If unsure, inquire when requesting Mass intentions with Office personnel. Unscheduled Mass Intentions – These intentions are not listed or published in the weekly bulletin, nor announced in the intercessions at a particular Mass. They are guaranteed to be offered/celebrated by the priest/missionary recipients of the intention(s). Often, we forward these unscheduled intentions and their stipends to the La Salette Missions or retired priests or poor parishes.
Process to Accept Mass Intentions (scheduled or unscheduled)
Complete a Mass Intentions Form and bring it to the Parish Office.
Be sure to provide contact information (in case of questions).
Specify Scheduled, Unscheduled, Mixed, No preference.
Request specific dates for Scheduled Mass Intentions. Please remember only up to 3 {three} intentions for the specific weekend Masses (Saturday Vigil to Sunday Evening).
The remainder (7-seven) or all your Scheduled Mass Intentions will be scheduled for the weekday Masses requested).
Mass stipends are accepted by cash or check currently for all Mass Intentions. (We are seeking QR codes with permission of the Diocese.) Checks payable: Blessed Trinity Catholic Parish or Missionaries of La Salette (for unscheduled Masses). Be sure to receive a receipt.
Mass intentions are accepted in English or Spanish but please, print legibly print your own forms before submission and sign form.
Questions? – please contact the Parish Office. We are here to assist you. Thank you.