BLESSED TRINITY CCW NEWS November 2020 PRESIDENT’S POST Good Day to all, This year has brought new experiences for everyone. But as we have seen, people have adjusted to the changes, and we are moving on. Churches are open and some of them are streaming their Mass(es). Our Thrift Shop has reopened. The ladies have done such a wonderful job in getting it ready so that we can receive customers again and be within the Diocese guidelines. The volunteers have stepped up to work in the Thrift Shop. Donations are still coming in. We have been able to meet in small groups. So the Commissions/Committees are meeting. They have been working on new projects and putting together ideas as we work through this pandemic. They are also taking notes as to what is discussed in the meeting and the ladies who are not able to go to the meeting have a way of keeping in touch with what is happening. Although we were not able to have our annual rummage sale this year, we are putting together a Yard Sale for Friday 11/20 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm and on Saturday, November 21 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. We will have 2 collection days, Saturday, 11/14 and Monday, 11/16. Our ladies in Blessed Trinity Council of Catholic Women, our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Bill, our Pastor, Fr. Roland and all the staff have been there to help and assist wherever it is needed. Thank you for all you do. And Thank You Trish for putting this Newsletter together so that everyone can stay in touch with what is happening. May you all have a Blessed Day and stay safe. Debbie Miller President Blessed Trinity Council of Catholic Woman
DUES REMINDER This is a reminder that dues for Blessed Trinity CCW for the new 2020/2021 year are being collected. Many of you have sent in your dues. And since we are not meeting in a large group, you may not know where to send it. So here are some options. The Circles are meeting and have collected dues at the small meetings. You can drop it off at the Parish office; in an envelope marked BTCCW – Dues; or you can mail them to: Blessed Trinity CCW 4545 Anderson Rd. Orlando, FL 32812 The dues are $10.00. If you write a check, please make it out to Blessed Trinity CCW. Thank you to all of you for your support of this organization.
Submitted by the Leadership Commission
2020 has been an unforgettable experience for everyone on this planet. Each person, being unique, has lived it in one’s own personal way. But, as we say, “We are all in this together”. Our Christian faith and values as well as our Catholic tradition have been our support. God has not let us down. And we are called to support one another.
The National Council of Catholic Women has adapted to the pandemic situation as have our local deaneries and affiliations. Meetings are still held as boards do the planning and communication. ZOOM or other programs are important tools. Newsletters and special virtual encounters facilitate ongoing contact with the members.
In one of the recent newsletters I received was a poetic piece written by one of Central Deanery’s members which I found to be very thoughtful. Here is a little excerpt from Kathy Bonner’s “NATURE’S QUILT”: “What lesson Lord could I obtain from the ever-changing fall landscape? I was amazed at how the palate of hues did not destroy the beauty of the trees but only enhanced their tribute to their creator. It moved me to realize that the many shades of burnt orange, golden yellow and blazing red could move into the landscape over time, not destroying its beauty with their differences but by sharing the landscape with God’s plan in mind they enhanced the beauty and made each other better than before.” My reflection: Does this in a sense, happen to human lives too? Unity in our diversity?
Submitted by Fr. Bill
CATHOLIC CHARITIES Are you looking for something to do that will help our community? Here is a great way to help our community and to meet others that share their time in the spirit of our faith.
Catholic Charities is in need of Volunteers to help with Food Distribution and Grocery Packaging at their facility at 1771 N. Semoran Blvd., Orlando. Some women from BTCCW Service and Leadership Circles have been volunteering for the past 4 weeks. There are also a few men from Blessed Trinity Parish that have been volunteering as well. Food Distribution is done on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and the Food Packaging is done on those days in the afternoon and on Tuesday and Thursday after 10am to mid-afternoon. Currently the ladies are helping on Thursday mornings at 10am for 2-3 hours. If you would like to join us we usually meet at Blessed Trinity after morning mass on Thursdays. If you would like more information, please contact Tracy Vass at:
BTCCW YARD SALE As most of you have heard, we, BTCCW, will be having a yard sale on Friday and Saturday, 11/20 and 11/21. We are also having 2 collection days, Saturday, 11/14 and Monday, 11/16. We need volunteers to help on the collection days and the sale days. We will be wearing masks, have hand sanitizer and wipes. The different areas are spread apart so that we provide the social distancing, and the yard sale will be all outside. We have jobs for those who may not be able to stand too long. We will have chairs and you can sit and help out at both collection days and yard sale days. If you would like to help with any of the day(s), please let us know what day and about what time you can be there. We would like to have that information so that we can keep everyone safe. I am going to list some of the ladies that will be organizing certain items for the sale. You can contact one of them or text me. But please leave your name on the email or text so that we know who is sending it. Contacts: Debbie Miller 407-234 3457 Cashiers – Jeannie Skelley 407-222-6378 Clothes – Pat Matteson 407-773-3069 Uptown – Jewelry – Lee Lynch 407-443-1737 Housewares – Carol Rollman 407-851-6823 Outdoor/Lawn – Karen Hill 407-529-4763 Games/Toys – Tracy Vass 407-719-8167 Drinks (Water/Soda) – Linda Depascale 407-282-4555 Books/Office supplies – Rosemary Mieszcsak 407-616-3822
Submitted by Debbie Miller SECOND BLESSINGS THRIFT SHOPPE Since Second Blessings Thrift Shoppe’s re-opening on Aug. 1, the shoppe has undergone a re-arrangement and it has been well received. We set about getting new displays and loading the clothes racks. We are getting word out and have been gaining new customers. We offer different sales all the time. While closed we had the shop completed cleaned with disinfectants and deep cleaning, including the carpet which they also sanitized. The church has renovated Camp David outside including getting new windows and air conditioning. Here are some words from our managers: Lee: We have new people that have joined our volunteer group and we want to thank our new volunteers for giving their time as cashiers and helpers. They bring new ideas and energy to our shop. We can, however, use more ladies that can give 1 day a month to either cashier or be a helper. We work with your schedules and we arrange it accordingly. Carol: Our donations keep coming in. We have also had 2 new volunteers to help with sorting and pricing the donations. This has really helped take the load off 1 person. The items that we cannot use in our shop are given to St. Vincent DePaul. They come every Tuesday to see what we have. Karen: We are happy to report that our sales are increasing! More customers from the community have found us and we hope they spread the word. Our donation to the church this past quarter having only 2 months was almost as much in previous quarters of 3 months. That shows our growth. We continue to advertise special things in the Conway News each month and had a successful carport sale in August.
Submitted by Karen Hill
LEADERSHIP COMMISSION This Circle focuses on aspects that assist the organization in running smoothly. We handle collecting dues and maintaining the roster, welcoming new CCW members, man the welcome table at the general meetings, help with fundraising activities, and promote CCW in general. For new members we give them a binder containing lots of information such as list of officers & chairs, presidents of other levels of CCW, Our Lady of Good Counsel prayer, history of CCW with past presidents and some general information. Our members have been involved with the Thrift Shop, helping at Catholic Charities, sending cards to military, filling a Box of Joy, and praying for those ill or just in need of prayer. We are certainly open to getting more members involved with our Circle, so come join us if you are not already committed to a Circle. Call or email Karen Hill, 407-529-4763 or or Debra Mayer 321-297-3015 or
LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION Here's a few of the accomplishments the Legislative Committee has been busy with even through the Covid-10 shut down:
In case you might have missed the great presentation on: The Catholic Teaching on Capitalism, Socialism & Communism AND Forming Our Consciences for Faithful Citizenship by Fr Dereck Saldahna on September 16th, you can watch it on the BLESSEDTRINITYORLANDO.ORG website or on
Our Legislative Commission, along with members from other commissions, had several ladies who participated significantly in the 40 Days for Life campaign by taking shifts weekly. They prayed and walked with signs awakening the public to the cry to protect and pray for unborn babies.
Our Legislative Commission also organized Blessed Trinity's annual Mass of Remembrance for Aborted Children and floral procession to our beautiful "I Will Never Forget You" statue. Our Knights of Columbus co-sponsored and brought a color guard of Fourth Degree Knights, lending extra dignity to the solemn ceremony. Next year, let's invite the bishop!
God bless all our CCW ladies and their families,
Submitted by Legislative Commission Co-Chairs,
Irene Sandler and Pat Matteson
The Service Commission has had two eventful meetings. In September, we met to discuss what we could and could not do during these strange distanced times. At this time, we collected food for Catholic Charities and several ladies decided to start going to the Catholic Charities location on Semoran to help bag up foods for distribution. Linda D volunteered to take over co-chairing the Service Commission with Katherine as Lee is head over heels busy with Thrift Shoppe duties. Lee requested more help for Thrift Shoppe activities and shifts; ladies did volunteer. Then, at the October meeting, many ladies took Cross Catholic boxes home to fill for children during the Box of Joy collection. These boxes will be sent to serve the poorest of the poor children in Catholic communities where this box may be the only Christmas gift they receive. We, service ladies, are looking forward to helping at the BT yard sale in November!
Submitted by Tracy Vass
The BTCCW Spirituality Commission hosted the Rosary on Sunday, October 4th to honor the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary. With the assistance of the BTCC Staff, we were able to Live Stream in Church, which showed over 170 people watched it Live! Our Ladies wore the Color Guard scarves as we processed into church. It was very well received. Since this is our Second Year in a row for hosting this, I think we're establishing a tradition! Our Ladies are working on a few other activities, such as taking over the Prayer List Email and heading up the Wellness Calls through the office. This is being discussed and more information to follow in the next newsletter. We're welcoming in new Members to our Commission! Thank those who have stepped up to become part of our little family.
God Bless,
Marian Gallagher, Chair, BRCCW Spirituality Commission
Treasurer Jeannie Skelley Secretary Susan Lauteria Vice President Tracy Vas Central Deanery Representative Dona Tillman President Debbie Miller Spiritual Advisor Fr. Bill Slight
Leadership Commission Karen Hill and Debra Mayer Legislative Commission Irene Sandler and Pat Matteson Service Commission Kathy Rivera and Linda Depascale Spiritual Commission Marian Gallagher
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