Help us reach our goal of providing food for needy families at Thanksgiving Time. Last year with your help we assisted 125 families! Help us double the number of families this year. All donations can be placed in & near the collection baskets in the Narthex. Thank you for your Cooperation and Generosity. God Bless You!
Inquiry sessions are beginning on August 15th. This is a chance for you to invite a friend or relative to become a Catholic. Sessions are also available for adults Baptized in another faith to be in Full Communion with the Church. We are called to evangelize! Contact Louie Murgia in the parish office for further details.
Knights of Columbus are kicking off there annual Baby Bottle Drive the weekend of May 2nd. In support of the JMJ Pregnancy Center. Please take a bottle after Mass and return it with whatever change you can spare. Bottles can be returned to the Parish Office or to a Knights of Columbus member at any Mass and please return the bottles by the weekend of June 5th/6th. Thank you for your support of the sanctity of life for all God’s children. Vivat Jesus!
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowls will be collected at the Sunday services on April 11 and at Faith Formation Classes on April 11th and April 14th. Children have been collecting their loose change to support this effort. There are Rice Bowls on the tables in the Narthex if you decide to participate this week. Instructions for giving are printed on the bowls. For more than 75 years, CRS has been providing expertise and compassion to the very poorest of our brothers and sisters in more than 100 countries. And it's because of you. Thank you for supporting this wonderful Catholic Charity.
Please be aware that there is another scam going around using Fr. Roland's name. People are getting text messages and emails saying Fr. Roland is in need of money. Please be aware these are all scams trying to take your money. If you have any questions please call the office at 407-277-1702.
In an essay of 500-750 words, discuss how trusting in God during a difficult time has helped you or someone you know find the strength and hope to endure it. Consider especially those times when it was a challenge to understand why something was happening. Consider also sharing any lessons about faith and hope you or someone you know may have learned from this experience. “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy” (1 Peter 1:8). The deadine for essays is December 02, 2020. Essays can be submitted to Louie Murgia at
"The Knights of Columbus is calling all Catholic men in good standing to join Our Lady of LaSalette Council 11328. Please see the tables in the narthex for the QR Code and take a picture of the special promotional offer for the link and the special code."
Catholic Charities will be giving out food at Blessed Trinity to people in need of food assistance. Please call the office at 407-277-1702 to register. This is on a first come first serve basis.
Blessed Trinity is in need of new altar servers. If you would like to become an altar server please see Brother Ron after any of the weekend Masses or contact the parish office at 407-277-1702.
We invite you to Blessed Trinity’s annual Baccalaureate Mass! We want to celebrate & recognize all those graduating from High School, College (Bachelors, Masters, PHD. Etc), Trade School. Etc.!
Blessed Trinity Catholic Church is sponsoring its 26th Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 at Stoneybrook East Golf Club. The tournament will begin at 8:00am. We encourage all golfers ( Men & Women) no matter what your handicap to come out and play . This is a scramble format (4 person teams) so everyone gets a chance to hit the ball from the best location. Yes, we do sell mulligans to give you that extra shot if you need it. The cost to play is $80.00 which includes all fees, plus range balls, and lunch. You will also be eligible for many great prizes just for participating. Come out and join the fun! If you want to help we are looking for hole sponsors. We have Platinum , Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsor packages available. Please let us know if you know of a business or individual who would like to be a sponsor or someone who wants to donate a prize for our silent auction. All proceeds from this tournament will be used to support charitable projects sponsored by the parish. For more info contact: Dick Aldinger (407) 859-7436 — Jim DeFlippo (407) 851-2765 Allen Beck (305) 772-4598 — Louie Murgia (407) 381-5370