The Pastoral Care Ministry integrates sickness and death into the life of the parish and the local community. We minister to parishioners and their families in times of sickness and death. If you have a compassionate nature and a few hours to give when there is a death or illness in our parish, please consider one of the following ministries:
Ministry to the Sick
Our goal is to provide the sick or shut-in with an experience of the care and concern of our faith community. To provide them an opportunity to pray with another and to receive Eucharist if they choose.
Please contact Betty Ligas at 407-859-0845.
Bereavement Ministry
Funeral Preparation: Assist families with the preparation of the funeral, e.g., choice of Scripture readings, guidelines for eulogies, and selections of music.
Funeral Liturgy: The funeral liturgies follow the norm of the Order of Christian Funerals: Vigil, Mass and Burial. They are done in the light of good liturgical sensibilities; both beautiful and meaningful even to those un-churched or of another faith. Volunteers are needed to assist with the funeral liturgy.
Bereavement Ministry: Our Bereavement Minister brings spiritual and emotional comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Upon notice of a death, ministers are assigned as a team to the family of the deceased. The team meets with family members to assist in preparing the Funeral Mass, as above. They attend the Funeral Mass in order to assist the Presider and the funeral directors. They offer, on behalf of the parish, spiritual and emotional support to help the family deal with loss. The Bereavement Ministry sends a timely condolence card by mail, and organizes and invites all the grieving families of the past year to a special prayer ceremony on All Souls evening.
Please contact Anne Atherton at 407-277-1702.